Carter's Story

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This blog is a look into the life of our nearly six year old little boy, Carter. When I was just six months pregnant, an ultrasound detected that Carter's brain was missing its corpus callosum and he also had hydrocephalus. Doctors even told us that our little boy may not walk, talk, etc... but abortion was never a choice for us because we firmly believe that God does not make junk. We look at Carter now and praise God for the miracle he is! Carter loves to play, and he CAN walk and talk! Carter is continually proving himself to us, to our families and to his teachers. I have been priveleged to be able to stay home with Carter, Camden and Elliana since November of 2006 when Carter was born. I am so thankful I am here to hold his hand and face his challenges right along side of him. A mother's love only grows, this I know. Some days may be challenging but always worth it at the end of the day.


Born November 20, 2006

Friday, February 26, 2010


Carter is learning, he really is..and it is SO exciting. However- when I look at the sentences other kids his age or close to his age are saddens me a little..When I look and see the comprehension that they have it also saddens me. Dont get me wrong..Carter has some comprehension...and he is progressing everyday...but some days..I feel impatient and like a bad mother...I find myself yelling at him..and then I feel bad..because-does he understand completely? (tears-sigh)
I found myself yelling at Carter today because he pushed Emma down three steps...I am thankful she didnt fall down the whole set going down to the basement. Poor Emma was crying and wondering why Carter would do such a thing to her..I held her and made sure she was ok. Carter- that was SO NAUGHTY I tell him...DO NOT PUSH! It upsets me, I dont want her or anyone to get hurt.
I need insight from other mothers with issues like this...I need patience..I need more love. Please pray for this.


  1. I tried to post on this before but It didn't like me and now I don't remember what I was going to say. I e-mailed you a blog that I read today I think you will like it check your upstairs computer e-mail for that one. Love you praying for you

  2. I wish I could give you some insight into the comprehension and verbal communication, but unfortunately I am in the same boat. I know how you feel though when I am at the store, and I hear another 3 year old say a complete sentence, and then I look at Brycen and see he is in his own little world. I remind myself that he doesn't know the difference and he doesn't care, so why does it really matter? Thanks for sharing your concerns about Carter! Even though the dx are completely different, it's amazing how similar the struggles and feelings you go through are as a mother.
